Sat in a stand a few eves ago. Felt good. Mind started wandering about the past 40 years of bowhunting. I do some things I've never heard of others doing so I thought I'd share. I Always make sure my boots are clean of mud before climbing into a stand. 2 reasons, safety and I've spooked my share of deer because mud has fallen off them at the wrong time. Clean your boots! I Always draw my bow with an arrow nocked. Several reasons. One is to make sure it's a quite draw, second is just to ( mentally) feel things feel right. I Always check my stands for squeaks. Ever corner/ everytime. If there is even the slightest noise, I wanna know where it is and how to avoid it. I Always get an arrow nocked and my quiver off the bow and hanging in a convenient spot as soon as getting in the stand. Each of these have cost me shots at big bucks. And just a tip. If you have the time to set up hang on ahead of time, go get some 7-8" 1/2" bolts at the hardware store. I'm sure most reading this has a cordless drill?. Pilot a 1/4" first than a 1/2" bit. Drive bolts in with a hammer 3". Whole lot cheaper then screw ins. Hope this helps some folks here.
Some good advice here for sure. I feel like I do most of those and I do think that a good in-stand routine is extremely beneficial.
Sound advice. Something I always do is a practice draw to make sure I am unhindered by clothing or clearance issues.