When you just want a trophy pick, but your dads a terrible turkey hunter. My sons making it happen. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Soooooo, my buddy shot at what he thought was the Dilater tonight.... He says it's the biggest 8 point I have ever seen 150 for sure. I immediately say hmmmm Dilater is a 10. He swears he was a 8....... 45 minutes later my neighbor calls me and says holy cow I just watched a monster 8 point in your field 140+ Soooooo looks like I have a shooter that I haven't gotten on camera boys.
Jake, fantastic job on that doe with the recurve. Huge accomplishment. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Thanks VS. I killed one last year with it, and this is the first of this year. I'm getting more and more comfortable with it and feel really confident in my shooting now. I really enjoy it a lot. My next step will be to make my own bow and broadheads. Maybe an atlatl one day.
At my inlaws over weekend for a thanksgiving dinner, while on their deck i saw this Thats a button trying to breed a doe, probably his mother
Ok boys only a few weeks left. I’m still pointless in an assortment of ways. Gonna have an all day sit on Friday so hopefully I can break the streak. Hopefully everyone is able to enjoy some time in the woods this week. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm pushing thru until dec 19 I get about two or three sits during the week and four each weekend... But my property is dead right now, only getting night time pics and shooters have become ninjas. But we did well as a team and only need a few to be in the running. Be ever vigilant 22
I checked cameras on Sunday and I’m leaving one property alone the rest of the season. Hoping that my bucks I’m passing will stay there without any pressure. At the forest preserve I hunt the guys I’m hunting with ruined it and pressured the hell out of them. No bucks on two cameras after letting them sit for a month. Still gonna get after it out there once finals week is over. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'm still going after another buck on the main property that I hunt. They are still chasing does quite a bit right now. The other day when I missed the buck he was the 6th one that I saw that morning. Late season is really good where I hunt most of the time.
I'm getting night time pictures of does and small bucks only now. Had to pull the passenger side head on my truck and am waiting for parts to put it back together. My semester is over and my season goes till the second week of January. Hopefully after this weekend I will have plenty of time to hit the woods and get something done. I'm excited to actually have time to try the WMA Sent from my Z831 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Keep up the work guys were right in the thick of it, imagine how many hours we'd be logging if first place was gifted 400 acres in southern Iowa haha. Suddenly 120" bucks start becoming 170's. I bought a new slow cooker so maybe if I put a dent in some venison I'll wax a doe in the late season.
Update on the buck I shot on October 24th. I was 100% sure he was dead, he had to be after I saw my arrow impact right behind the shoulder on a perfect slightly quartering away shot. He spun and I saw at least 16" of arrow inside him until it worked itself out after running 50 yards. Awesome blood on almost half the arrow confirmed what I saw. Until this season Rage has never failed me once, and I think think the shot placement couldn't have been much better. I looked for days, I even waited until the flooded timber froze and searched everything, no dead deer. I had little history with this buck besides a couple pictures face on from the morning I shot him, so I wasn't positive which deer he was. I pulled a chip a week or two ago and saw one distant picture of a buck that looked similar but I thought it was impossible it was him. I pulled two more chips last week, my jaw hit the floor when I had a video of him walk past with hardly any limp at all and a clear hairless patch right behind his shoulder, and centered perfectly. He was on another camera where I have almost a dozen pictures, looking healthy as an ox. I have no explanation, I cannot believe what I am seeing, regardless I am beyond happy that he is alive because it was really eating at me. Even if my broadhead didn't open for whatever reason, how on earth that arrow did not hit his vitals is beyond me. I will try and dig up a few of the better photos a little later.
We close on the house we're buying dec 6 and house we're selling dec 15 Im fighting pneumonia and just found out theyll be a third little rascal in my house next summer. Life is hectic i still really hope to get at least 1 more sit in before new year