Well the gods are shining on me boys, I went to a part of property I haven't gone to this year and found a acre of soybeans that was too wet to get to!!!!! I put up a stand and I'm sitting it tonight to see what's happening. how sweet is that
I just passed on a 105-110 8 point I know we need the points guys but I couldn't get myself to pull the trigger poor little guy has not even had his first peice of a$$ yet
Well I finally got a doe!!!! I cheated and used a gun though. Now that my meat shortage is over, I’ll be back on the bow tomorrow! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Opening day of gun, first doe I have seen all season at 30 yards. Why couldn't I have brought my bow out?
Mine may have been 1.5. I probably would have shot had I had my bow. But couldn't do it with the gun. Unless it gets down to the last week of gun season and my freezer is empty.
Well I got my gun buck. I'll be spending the rest of the season with my bow but my property is one shooter less. He didn't score what I thought but he is the one that I videoed bedded down and I spot and stalked. So it's sweet to have history with him and then have him in my hands. Now I'll get us points
That's a nice buck! My truck is down for the count so my head's been under the hood all week and haven't had time to get out. I'll be going out Thanksgiving morning for sure. Hopefully I can finally get on the board this week Sent from my Z831 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Nice buck fix, I still been hitting Ohio hard. Have been seeing very little movement both on my cams and in the field. Just does and young bucks. Still gonna keep at it, I’ll be out this upcoming weekend before gun season starts on Monday.
I'm moving stands today and putting all my efforts on the Dilater. I don't get pressure like most of NY so here is to hoping!
I'm not on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat but my buddy sent me this... This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. This guy and his ignorance gets to represent us as hunters