Well I picked up a rifle and killed a buck. He was #4 on my list of shooters. I'll be hitting it again after rifle season.
Don't expect any action tonight but I'm sitting my blind/ food plot at my house just cuz you can't kill them from the couch!
Boof this deer is amazingly crazy! You guys send teeth or jawbone in for aging? Extremely curious what they say!
Checked my camera yesterday and the mature bucks haven't been around in a week so I guess that's why I haven't seen them on stand. Hopefully they start cruising soon looking for the last few does. I should get a sit in tomorrow evening and hopefully a few times next week. Sent from my Z831 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
We are a good buck and a doe out of the running as of right now. Gun starts in NY this weekend and the deer will be very very very hard to get close, but I'll keep trying if y'all keep trying too!
Were 170 out of 3rd place. I haven't looked to see how many total deer those teams above us have, meaning are they winning because everyone shot a buck or because a couple people shot monsters I still plan on getting a late season 50 points to try to bridge gap
In first place, team4 They have 13 deer and average score of 87.125 (7 does) Second place team 15 10 deer average score 102.58 5 does, but they've put some monster bucks down 4 bucks over 155 Third place team 3 9 deer average score 111.93 Only 3 does 4 bucks over 140 The good guys, team 22 We have 9 deer down average score 93.06 Showing the only reason team 4 in lead (and its a good reason) is a lot of deer on the ground, but their deer on average score less than ours
Our gun season opens up in Illinois tomorrow Friday-Sunday but we can bowhunt during the season now if we have a gun tag (which I do). There’s a couple big boys still running around where I hunt but I’m also looking to shoot a doe and get my buddy some meat. I’ll get 50 points here soon Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I just need only lonely fool to wander in close enough! Might piss off my wife and smoke one of the ones in my yard... Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
We are also awaiting a score on one members buck, should be 160+ . Good luck guys, getting down to the nitty gritty with gun seasons firing up.
Hey, heres some dirt, kick it in my eye please! You guys really have a lot of deer down, your team is finding some good success
Yeah, first time I've ever been on a team inncontention. Wasn't trying to ruffle feathers It's all in good fun, that average score per deer is interesting though
Well I killed a doe tonight for the freezer but no points for us, sorry guys I'll be eating tag soup I'm afraid
50 points! Just drilled a trophy doe during gun season! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I’ll post the pics here in a bit. She went maybe 100 yards. Took out the heart and got some lung! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums