Got ya, well at least ya got some footage and a Good encounter. You also worked on your badass’ness haha
Well my face paint was denied salvation due to some idiot walking by my stand with about 40 minutes of legal light left. Ugh. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
People in the commentary are thread are tearing me apart about my was my first time scoring a buck if I made a mistake it was 100% honest but 130” is what I got. Couple guys were being some real a holes in there about it. I’m just here to have fun. I’m glad we’ve got a great group of guys on our team and we all get along well. Let’s keep it that way and keep this rolling! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Don’t let people discourage ya, everyone has an opinion and at the end of the day the only one that matters is yours. Maybe if you add a pic of all your measurements that would clear the air, realtree has one that you can print out I’ll attach it for you if you don’t have a template, if not you can just copy the info onto a piece of paper and take a pic of it.
I have a buck that had been walking this field since before light and now decided to bed down facing me but 300 out
I would if I still had them. I did it online and never saved them and I don’t have the buck right now Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Another one of my hit list bucks dropped yesterday. My science teacher from high school shot him 3/4 mile away. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Benny if you wanna get them to shut up which is up to you, go into your post and edit and write score to come and do it again later
A wise old man once told me that there is only one thing you can count on in this world....people suck. Don’t let the haters get ya down. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have had a young I wanna say 4 point, at a scrape under some pines going on a half hour now. He is barely moving. No reaction to grunting or rattling. I have never seen anything like this. I'd shoot him if he got in range but I think he is going to turn into a statue there.
I tried a spot and stalk and got very close to the shooter this morning but he ran right at me and at 15 yards saw that I wasn't a buck and bolted to the ravine across the field. Soooooo close to points guys I'm trying
Unfortunately I believe in my area we are now in lock down. I saw 4 little bucks last night and 3 doe fawns. I'm out today to give it my full attention but I have my doubts. Gun starts Saturday. The NY orange army takes a horrific toll. Even on my isolated peice, bow hunting is significantly harder once Walmart sells out of Remington 12 gauge rifled slugs. And to top it off my county just passed rifle so now they can take pop shots from even further. Ok rant over.... Good morning my brothers in arms