Well guys I'm afraid I could not get creepy a deer. He sat thru crazy winds and miserable temps like a man. I'm sure he will be in the stand tomorrow morning when after driving 5 hrs hour tonight.
I saw the dialator and he is magnificent. I do hope you land him before too long. Can’t thank you enough for the opportunity. Froze but it was awesome. We are gonna have to do it again. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
You guys are tearing it up! Well done. Sorry I haven't been any help yet. And I probably won't be for a little while. I'm debating whether or not to take my bow with me for gun season. It starts in the morning, but I have a really nice deer that I'm after and would hate to let him walk away without a shot. I still don't know yet. If I do kill him with a gun, I can still shoot another buck with my bow after gun season, just not on this property since we have a one buck rule for each season. And this place is my best chance at a good deer with my bow. Decisions decisions.....
Had a small 6 point at 30 yards this morning. Nothing else so far but this weather is perfect Sent from my Z831 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Its officially gun season in Missouri. Only way i could hunt now is to buy a non resident firearm tag which im not doing) Bow picks back up in i think 11 days. Bank has said some different time lines on closing on house were buying so I'm not sure if ill be able to hunt end of November or not. Sesson goes into January but this contest doesn't. Ill do all i can for 50 more points but looks like it might be difficult
Ok guys... The biggest test of my manhood to date. I watched Dilater go into a small block of woods this morning with a doe and not come out. I snook out and regrouped as I know when and where she is coming out. I got home got my camera stuff and I'm already in my stand again..... But I forgot my jacket. It's 29° and 10 mph wind and I have no cover from it. In hedgerow. Of course I'm sticking it out but it's going to hurt
That's hardcore!! I really hope it pays off and you get him! Sent from my Z831 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I am crying. Got your bow this time? Can’t wait to see the pics of you with that beast in bibs. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Creeps you know the stand and the wind.... But today is magic day in my area everyone I know is seeing mature bucks moving so I don't get a choice.