I'm out tonight scouting and hunting if he comes by but tomorrow morning should be in the teens over here by the lake so they will be moving
Leaving tonight for Ohio, siting dark to dark Friday-Monday. Need revenge on the tall 10, I’ll keep y’all posted
I shot right over the back of some points for us today. I was ready to put some deer in the freezer and took the shot at a spike on some public ground. Buzzed a few hairs right off the top of him.
Well guys, I’m on the board! It happened so fast tonight and he came up on me in a hurry. I️ stopped him and I️ didn’t made the best shot but he expired quickly. I️ shot him at 4:00 and didn’t start looking until about 9. 150 yards later I️ got him! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Not going to be the highest scoring buck out there but he’s a mature deer and one of the bigger bucks where I’m hunting. I️ am beyond happy with this buck. I’ll get him scored in the morning. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Great deer! Two pics with your bow, right? This should keep us in first place! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How many team captains not only let you hunt their spot, but provide delicious treats?! Saw 2 does already!! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I look at some of the pictures and scores associated with the bucks on the score thread and think, ahhh maybe people shouldnt be allowed to measure their own deer. Im seeing pictures of deer the size of mine and they all say 120, come on... maybe i should have added 2 - 3/8ths on every measurement too Or, maybe i screwed up and missed a measurement on mine???
I see that all over the place on the web or even with friends and their friends and so on. The reason I measure my deer is so I know what it scored, I don’t care what other people think honestly. It got me fired up and I shot it. No need to fudge the score to stroke the ego.
I share a lease with a couple guys in Illinois. One of my partners killed our #1 hitlister. Main frame 12 with triple split brows for 16 scoreable points...grossed out at 167-4/8. Luck of the draw on who hunted where and he held the rabbits foot yesterday morning. Time to find another buck to hunt. I have a few options but they've been MIA for a little while. We'll see how it pans out.