I shoot both. I don't believe it matters what you hunt with as long as you are in the woods. When I get tired of shooting my compound or want to switch it up I get out one of my recurves. Hunt with what you like and enjoy it! that's what is important. I promise the deer that are killed with both have no preference.
I would love to start shooting/hunting with a recurve but I barely have enough time to practice with my compound let alone a recurve. But I think next summer I'll finally purchase one.
I just meant that in history they've been making longbows longer than they have had the know how or "technology " of making recurves. Or just that the longbow came before the recurve.
Yeah your definitely right they have been making longbows longer. The longbows of many, many years ago were selfwood bows. A self wood Is a bow carved from a tree. Most were In a shape similar to a longbow. I wouldn't mind making a selfwood bow some day. I think It would be neat! The technology In the recurves and longbows of today Is Identical for the most part. They make longbows today that are reflex/deflex. They kinda look like a recurve but don't have the big reflex In the limbs that the recurve has.
Schultzy... when you decide to try the selfbow route I'd be happy to help.. I've made and hunted with them some.. It's actually pretty simple to make a recurve, especially with Osage Orange. A well made self bow will perform equal with a straight limb fiberglass one. I think the biggest factor is that they're not center-shot and that changes everything. woodsman
I am thinking about going traditional since I started shooting while waiting on my compound to be repaired. I broke out the old takedown recurve and found that in a few hours I was shooting almost as well as with my compound. I don't know how I am doing it... just pulling, pointing and letting go and the arrow is going where I am looking. I was even taking shots at over 50 yards and the only real problem is with the trajectory. And I am not geared properly... this is just an old fiberglass take-down that I bought for Bowfishing. Schultzy... I have got a rebuilt Hoyt... all new parts... 41 inch ATA... 65% let off coming? Not new... but? Either one is bowhunting... we're on the same team. One is an art... the other a science... no one really knows where the dividing line is? Fred Bear brought us the compound while still using the recurve himself. He wanted everyone to enjoy the sport equally without division. One of my life heroes as well.
Not Interested In a compound until I absolutely have to quit shooting my recurve due to my tendinitis. Thanks anyway Muzzy!! Best of luck with the recurve!!
It usually takes rest to get Tendonitis under control from what I hear. Hope you get to feeling better.
Im shooting a 60 lb Samick Sage, still saving for my first compound. I would like to be proficient with both Recurve and Compund.
I shoot both longbow and compund.. The longbow has turned more into a hobby as my busy time of the year for work is summer and early fall, which takes all my practice time away right before the season. I would love to hunt with it, but have to much respect for the animals. We are all on the same team for sure, the training wheels just lessens the risk for more suffering for the animal - in my case. Still hard to beat the feeling of walking into the woods with a stick and a string.