I am wanting to have 2 identical strings set up for my recurve. What is the best string I can get for my setup? Bear Grizzly 45# @ 28" AMO 58" Thanks
I get my strings from Bobby Graham or Raineman over at tradgang, you can find them in the sponsors classifieds page. Top notch strings from some great guys to deal with! LBR(Chad) also makes a great string from what I hear!
Hey LA, you also might want to check out the Bow Hush and Hush Puppies. I put a set on my sons Kodiak Magnum and his Grizzly, I was amazed how they quieted down his bows!
Make you own! It's very easy to learn, much cheaper and it's just one more aspect that puts "more of you" into the sport. I prefer flemish twist strings vs endless strings. Flemish strings are stronger and make setting brace height much easier. woodsman
Dang, I just started trad shooting woodsman, now you got me thinking of making my own strings. (Maybe a little later) I have already made my own stringer, and thinking about making my own bracer. (I like leatherworks, something about that smell) LAEq