My Dad took this out of the deer I shot this past weekend. I think it is pretty neat to see the expansion & performance. It is a remington copper solid. 100% weight retention (weighed on my little electronic scale) The slug entered the deer at the base of the neck, (Striking a vertebrae & blowing out an enormous hole), travelled down the length of the backstrap (just along the seam where they meet the ribs) and stopped a few inches shy of the hind quarters.
Ryan....That's a great find. I found a slug in my yard, yesterday (one of my .45 rounds I'd shot through plywood). I know it's a FMJ, but it was pristine! I was really surprised.
Sweet! I've got a 140gr Ballistic Tip out of my .270 from the buck I shot this year.......found it just under the hide on the far side......quartering towards me shot that went through shoulder blade on the close side. Mine didn't retain nearly as well as yours, but then again........ballistic tips aren't suppose to. I'll have to get pics and post it at some point, I thought it was pretty cool, first one I've recovered that was neatly mushroomed and in one reasonable piece. I've recovered a lot of copper jacket pieces and chunks of lead, but never a mushroomed slug.
Thats what I shoot .... I love those things .... I have never had one stay in a deer yet .... thanks for posting, Ryan