I got some pics from my RC60. The 1st time I had it out I had 120 pictures of grass. It was a tad too sensitive so I set the sensitivity lower. I got a few pics this week of doe's and fawns and a small buck. I was hoping for more pictures but there wasn't much movement in this spot in the corn field where I had it. Hardly any tracks with in the last week. The deer that did come through though were picked up by the camera. I like the pics, very good quality I think!!!
Steve my buddy just picked up a couple of these at a very good price! They seem like a great camera and take good pics! Your pics are great!
Thats what I like to see. I hated the fact that my Moultrie I60 refused to take color photos even in the middle of the day. Around 3 weeks and I will be picking one up (I decided to get the RC60 over the RC55 as I heard it has a better battery life). I can't wait to get it set up at my best-friends family farm over a scrape this fall. We use to get several hundred photos a week on this scrape using a TrailMac digital set at one photo every minute. I figure I can get atleast 1,000 photos a week in RapidFire mode with the Reconyx.
Schultzy, I can see why you were getting all of those grass pictures. I like the ones with the deer better myself. :d Overall, that camera looks to be working just fine. Great quality, hopefully you can get some big boys on there soon. What do you think of it so far?
Bols, this camera has got an unbelievable trigger time on it!! The 1st pics I got with it (grass pics) It caught just the doe's head as she hit the trigger area. The next pick was of the whole deer in the middle of the pic. The trigger speed is nuts. This camera also doesn't make no noise like the no flash cuddeback did when it took pics. I have 2 no flash cudde's and so far this camera has performed allot better with the trigger time and also it doesn't have the red lights visible to see like the other IR models do. So far its treated me good, I'm still learning with it though. This weekend I was in northern Minnesota baiting bears for bear hunting come September 1st. I put out my 2 no flash cudde's and my new Reconyx (RC60) on some baits to hopefully get some pics of some bear. If I can get some bear to show up this week I'll know if I have the camera set up right and I guess I'll find out for sure If its the camera that I hope it is. I'll be heading back up there next weekend to bait again and I'll hopefully have pics to show you come Sunday night or Monday. So far the price of the camera is the kicker part of it.
I gotta say Schultzy, the more pictures and reviews I see for this camera, the more I am debating about jumping on the bandwagon myself. I just can't bring myself to dropping the motherload then taking a chance of it growing legs and disappearing.
I understand ya there Bols! Its an awful spendy piece of equipment for someone to have for themselves. Thieves have got to be the worst SOB's out there for people!:evil:
Well Schultzy, is that moneypit of a camera gonna take pictures of Slammers or just Sallys? :evil: I'm dying to see some more pictures here!
Sorry bud but the camera is in northern Minnesota right now 4.5 hours away sitting on a bait to hopefully get some pics of a few bear. I'll be heading up tomorrow night to check all the baits this weekend (13 baits, 10 of which have camera's on them). 9 no flash cudde's and my RC60. Sunday night or Monday morning I'll post some pics If I had some action where I put my RC60 at.