Check this video out... talking about a rush... Donnie... one weekend you're off, give me a buzz... we'll go.
I gotta say I'm jealous, I've only been out once this year and had one lazy follow. Don't see any time to get out in the next month either. Great pics though.
Anywhere from right below the surface to 10' down. Depends on what type of water we are fishing and what the fish want that day. We are using what is considered a sink tip fly line. The first 24' of the line sinks, and the remaining running line is a thin intermediate line. The line sinks at 6-7 inches per second. If the fish want it high, they usually want it fast. That makes it easy to keep it in the top 2' of the water column. If the fish are deeper, you just let it sink before beginning your retrieve. Early in the year when the fish are shallow and want slower moving baits, we use an intermediate line a lot. That sinks at 1-2 ips. This can easily be fished in water as shallow as 3'.