I'll take this time to review a couple of movies that I have recently seen. The Hangover - 8/10 - Best comedy of the year. Stood up to the "second viewing" test for comedies in that it was still funny the second viewing. Year One - 5/10 - Meh. A few chuckles which would make it worth a rent, but not worth the $10 to view it at the theatres. I love Michael Cera, but I'm waiting to see if he can be anybody other than the awkward kid in movies. Transformers 2 - 3/10 - Horrible. Horrible. Robot balls? The ghetto twins? Walking out of the Smithsonian into Arizona? How about just a semblance of plot or story? Robot fight scenes filmed too close, could barely see what was going on. Horribly cheesy comic relief. This movie was just horrible. And do not bring your kids to see this movie. Many curse words. If I was a parent, I would pissed. This movie is advertising for kids, but has many curse words, drops pus** once, and has several drug and sexual references. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 7/10 - Long movie, but it kept my attention. I thoroughly enjoyed it for it's unique story, even though it is very similar to Forrest Gump, just the main character is aging backwards. The Wrestler - 8/10 - Superb movie. Mickey Rourke was phenomenal as Randy "The Ram" Robinson. And God bless Marisa Tomei. Slumdog Millionaire - 7/10 - Very much a feel good movie. Wonderful story. But...after viewing City of God (which is a 10/10) it left me somewhat disappointed. Oldboy - 9/10 - Holy hell. What took me so long to discover this extraordinary Korean film. Doesn't get much better than this IMHO. The ending will leave you breathless. Anybody else care to give some reviews? Thoughts on the movies I've reviewed?
The Hangover - I agree 100% by far the funniest movie I've seen this year. Transformers 2 - I'll differ on you here. Personally I didn't think it was bad like you did. I enjoyed the flick but did take my 8 and 9 year old boys and was pretty ticked off at the language used. Public Enemies - Very good movie. Good balance of action scenes and story telling. Depp as Dillinger was perfect I thought. Bale was kind of dry in his acting...but isnt he always. He should just stick to Batman. Taking of Pelham 123 - Tony Scott directing Denzel and Travolta can't go wrong. It's a typical good guy catching bad guy movie but I liked it. The Proposal - Was reluctantly talked into this one by the wife. It was funny. Not too sure it'd hold up under the 2nd viewing though. All in all it wasn't a waste of time.
I dont go and see a whole lot of movies in theatres, but I went to The Hangover two times...I could watch that movie over and over and never get sick of it.
The Hangover easily claims top 3 status of all time comedies. I was near tears the whole movie, and I sure as hell wasn't sad.
I need to watch it several times, and still find it hilarious, for it (The Hangover) to enter into my top 5 comedies. It has potential, but I thought the same thing after watching Superbad, which has lost its luster after multiple viewings. Comedies are all about re-watchability and quotability. I've been calling people "ruh-tards" since I saw the movie.
Gran Torino- 9.5/10 Never been a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, but this movie really got my attention. It was rough and gritty while still being able to make you laugh. It was the best movie that I have watched this year.
I second that! Awesome movie! The wife and I went to see the new Ice Age the other night. It was pretty entertaining. I liked the first two better though. I'm gonna have to check out 'Hangover'
I enjoyed Gran Torino, but mostly b/c Clint Eastwood's character had to have been based off of my Grandpa. It was uncanny. My main complaint with the movie was that the little Asian kid could not act whatsoever.
I have been wanting to see this, but haven't yet. Seems like everyone I know that has seen this movie really enjoyed it.
I need to get out and see more. I want to see Hangover, Public Enemies, Taking of Pelham 123, and I have Taken sitting by my TV waiting to be watched. No desire to see transformers.
Gran Torino - 9/10....Eastwood is the greatest actor ever followed by Nicholson Benjamin Button - 9/10.....Surprisingly amazing, i enjoy longer films over short ones Edward Scissorhands (saw it for the first time lately) - 7/10...very weird but i like Tim Burton's style Friday the 13th - 7/10....it is what it is, a decent modern slasher Up - 7/10.....not anything like i expected, but not better then the Disney classics Walk Hard - 6/10...laughed at parts, but pretty dumb
Transformers 2 - I didn't think it was that bad. I loved the action scenes and the effects were wicked. I will have to say though, Michael Bay has spent too much time hanging out with those Playboy Bunnies...his mind is definitely in the gutter. And what is his obsession with dry humping??? Oh yeah...and where the heck did Robot Heaven come from? Taken was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. ~ Carrie ~ Carrie