Team 1 - 50 jfergus7 - 50 Team 2 - 320 2/8 peakrut - 50 Diesel77 - 120 mobow - 50 Germ - 100 2/8 Team 3 - 50 OHBowhunt - 50 Team 4 - 498 9/8 GMMATT - 50 OKbowhunter - 50 mo_bowhunter - 83 2/8 OKbowhunter - 50 Double Creek - 50 DOuble Creek - 118 2/8 GMMATT - 97 5/8 Team 5 - 286 1/8 MN/Kyle - 70 1/8 bloodcrick - 50 atlasman - 91 1/8 MECHDOC - 75 Team 6 - 201 4/8 Jaws - 50 Ben/PA - 50 Jaws - 101 4/8 Team 7 - 210 5/8 Cougar Mag - 50 Dr Andy - 50 Cougar Mag - 110 5/8 Team 8 - 187 7/8 rybo - 50 rybo - 137 7/8 Team 9 - 469 Tribal - 50 Justin - 50 Rob /PA - 50 stikbow26 - 50 Rob /PA - 106 stikbow26 -163 Team 10 - 427 6/8 Matt/PA - 50 HuntingBry - 96 Matt/PA - 118 6/8 GregH - 163 Team 11 - 173 1/8 Kelly/Ky - 173 1/8 Team 12 - 537 4/8 Dubbya - 50 racewayking - 137 2/8 buckeye - 126 3/8 Joey Rott - 121 2/8 Dubbya - 102 5/8 Team 13 - 275 1/8 TEmbry - 92 0/8 Rory/MO - 50 Dan - 133 1/8 Team 14 - 364 7/8 jmbuckhunter - 50 Greg/MO - 50 jmbuckhunter - 124 7/8 Gr8atta2d - 90 0/8 txjourneyman - 50 Team 15 - 328 5/8 Rick James - 50 Rick James - 90 1/8 Finch - 88 4/8 Indianahunter - 50 Finch - 50 Team 16 - 100 Buckmaster - 50 Shultzy - 50 Team 17 - 358 3/8 Bullet Hole Bailey - 132 6/8 Michael Hunsucker - 50 Michael Hunsucker - 175 5/8 Team 18 - 179 7/8 Christine - 50 Christine - 129 7/8 Team 19 - 246 4/8 WesternMdHardwoods - 78 2/8 130Woodman - 50 130Woodman - 118 2/8 __________________
My doe got lost in the shuffle I suppose. Not that it matters, we would still be in umpteenth place.:D Team 12 better step it up this year if they want to win, it'll take a higher number to claim victory this year.
Looks like it was pretty close last year! Another buck for a couple of those teams and team 12 would have lost.
Yeah right. :D It would have been done already, shooting does just to win the contest, well......that would just be sad. :p
Yes, I would. Without hesitation. I wouldn't be changing anything about myself or the way I hunt. It would just give me motovation to get out there and set up on some does. Would probably be good for me
You're probably right... it would probably be good for you and, and your teammate that was "Contest tagged out" that kept harassing you about if you were ever gonna do it.
Me, hell no. I shot the first doe in close to 10 years 2 seasons ago to help with Matt's (RJ) managment. Last year's doe that I did enter I shot for the meat, video and experience Ben and I had filming together. It's the first doe tags I've owned in PA in that 10 year stretch. I hunt/ kill deer for me and me only. I don't shoot my bucks for the contest either. And I'm not judging anyone either. We all hunt for our own reasons and that's all that matters. And I should have put a disclaimer in there except Buckeye took it as tongue and cheek as it was meant.