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RealWorld Wildlife Products - EHD technology line

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by tynimiller, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. tynimiller

    tynimiller Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Not sure how many of you have heard the latest rumblings in the deer world that Real World has caused with their latest University of Minnesota studies which shown their products in their "EHD" (expect healthy deer) line killed the virus within the first 2 hours.

    Don Higgins shares that study and eludes to all the rest of the studies/tests being conducted right now as I type...pretty amazing to think we may be on the front end of a way to potentially assist the wild deer (Don admits VERY tough to assist wild compared to captive) in their fight for EHD.

    Check out the latest podcast Don did with Whitetail Faktor on the subject....Real World Wildlife Products is doing a Facebook Live discussion this Saturday as well on the subject.
  2. boonerville

    boonerville Grizzled Veteran

    Nov 18, 2013
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    Southern Iowa
    I have been following what I have heard and read about this product. I really like the idea. Being objective, I have serious doubts about its ability to prevent or treat EHD in a wild herd. there are so many variables to consider. there are multiple strains of EHD every year in different regions; even within the same region the strain may differ from year to year, much like the Flu. Transmission can come from many different sources (I have a personal theory about cattle rich areas based on observations). Severity can vary greatly based on water availability, temperature, deer density, etc. In a captive environment where you can control a deer's movements and diet, I can see it working. You can't predict or prevent EHD in wild deer. Just my opinion, but I don't think there is anything humans can do to prevent mother nature from doing what she does.
    Tribeck and tynimiller like this.
  3. JGD

    JGD Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 29, 2011
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    North Texas
    I haven't read the study but do know that "assisting" a wild deer herd through control of EHD can be detrimental in the long run. I realize that many hunters think deer should only die from a broadhead or bullet through the vitals but nature has a way of taking care of its own. I missed out on some awesome hunting opportunities in three locations in 2012-2015 due to EHD. It sucked not doubt. Deer that live through the EHD cycle are capable of building back a strong herd and they have done so in each of the areas I was not able to hunt. Finding a way to prevent nature from thinning the herd will likely result in it being done in another way (harsh winter, a different disease, etc.). No matter what we do, nature will always be better at taking care of business, but as the inscription on the engineering building at the University of Wyoming reads, "the control of nature is won, not given", so we keep trying.
    flopdrop likes this.

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