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Really Easy Venison (or other meat) Kebabs

Discussion in 'Game Processing, Recipes & Cooking' started by Christine, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    This is a ultra simple recipe for making shish-kebabs.

    (Caveat- I don't measure anything, sorry)

    This is what I do...
    Buy a bottle of good Italian dressing. Zesty, not boring and stay away from that fat-free nonsense. Pour it over your cubed meat and veggies. Let it marinate overnight or at least several hours. Impale on skewers. Grill. Eat.

    See? Easy. :)

    Suggested Ingredients:
    Venison (cubed)
    Rabbit backstraps (cubed)
    Beef (cubed)
    Chicken (I cut this into strips and cook the meat separate from the veggies so I can be sure the chicken is cooked throughly... I thread the chicken strip on longways so the meat is tight to the skewer)
    Pork (cut and skewered the same as chicken)
    Basically if you can get it to stay on a skewer, go for it.

    Plant and fungal matter-
    Onions (cut into skewerable sized chunks)
    Bell Peppers (cut into skewerable pieces)
    Button or other mushrooms (cut them if they're huge otherwise leave 'em whole)
    Tomato wedges (awesome when fresh from the garden)
    Zuchinni or other summer squash.
    Winter squash works too (buttercup, acorn, kabocha) Pre-cook it a bit or be prepared to wait on it, it takes awhile to cook through.

    If you're using bamboo skewers, soak them in water for an hour or so before using them on the grill, otherwise they'll burn up.
    Add seasonings to taste. (obviously.. but I thought I'd mention it) I usually put on some sea salt, extra garlic and oregano.
    Don't cook your venison or beef to death! (Unless you like hard, dry cubes of meat)
  2. 1st Time Hunter

    1st Time Hunter Weekend Warrior

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sounds like a good plan for dinner tonight...thanks!

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