Finally a post were some of the songs are good. I had no idea so many people listened to country until the threads starting popping up. I thought country music was only used in video clips that mocked hillbillies. I had no idea people actually like it! :D
HOW LONG?????? NOT LONG!!!!!!!!!! CAUSE WHAT YOU REAP, IS WHAT YOU SEW!!!!!!!!!! yeah Dan'o didnt know you got down like this!!!!!!! Rage, never a huge fan, gotta love what pantera did, Old white zombie thunderkiss still kicks ass. but all this stuff eats that i am posting on the lighter side of what i normally listen to lol
same page Manson sucked so bad live this summer i left for his second song. Old NIN rocked old zombie did too... and the only good thing to ever result from rage was tom morrello....only from the artistic standpoint. his music is not sweet lmao
Heres some of my fav's, good stuff for the most part, not a big fan of Manson though. Only thing I have ever liked from Slipknot
I've been to two Rage concerts, one in Alpine Valley WI and one here in MN. Best shows I've ever been to... But you left out the two best ever rage songs: Bombtrack, and Calm like a bomb.