I am thinking about going to a Take-Down with a little more poundage. I am currently shooting a 45# recurve @ around 27 inch draw. Has plent of umph to kill deer, and I intend to keep it to pass along maybe to my son. Who makes a decent take-down recurve that will not break the bank? I may even go used since I am a tightwad. That is partially my reason for asking here, so I can look for whatever is suggested in classifieds. Oh, and I have said it before, I have really nowhere near me to try out different bows, so that sucks. I like the hand fit of the Grizzly, and the Kodiak, if that helps. Need something preferably in the 55 to 60lb range @28". Thanks in advance.
i don't think there is anything wrong with buying a used bow, think of it as some one warmed it up for ya . as gammat said why the desire to move up in #'s? not that there's anything wrong with that. unless this is your way of talking the wife into letting you get a new bow, then i totally think it's necessary
The 45# Grizzly was just to practice mostly. (Although I did hunt with it off and on all season, no shot ops) I want something with a little more umph at my draw length. No longer than I hold at anchor, a 55/60# bow is what I feel fits me.
no problem, saying it isn't enough is a great excuse to tell her, plus giving the old bow to your kid is another thing she won't have a problem with. this is all under the assumption that she doesn't hunt or have any clue about it
What's wrong with another Grizzly?? Nothing wrong with going down a little in DW either, my next bow is going to be 48# @ 28" just so much easier to shoot! I was in Kalamazoo this past weekend and didn't shoot a bow over 49#, well except one, it was 55#, I just had to shoot it because it was a Big River!
Not a thing. Sweet shooting bow for sure. 48#'s might be ok, but you gotta remember my 26.5 to 27" draw length is a killer. I am having to add serious weight and dimensions to my arrows to get the downrange kinetic energy I want, with the 45#'er. Just looking at options right now. But you very well may be right Joe. A heavier Grizz may be just what the Dr ordered. Russ, where you at mate? A little advice from the Down-Under please.:p
Sorry Booby. I leave for work at 6pm and dont get home till 5am so I was at work when ya posted this. Hey if you want to try 1 of my bows let me know as soon as I get it back from Dubya I'll ship it to ya or get him to ship it to ya. It's my Bogan 55lb @ 27"
You may want to check out a used Martin Hatfield. I have one that is a really good shooter. (after I worked out all my form issues)