Literally We all post and most fairly heavy. That said I was just sent a pic of neighbors NEW posting, they run cams. Along their hunting camp side...every other tree..Lol Do ya think he may have some good summer pics? They have always been the bachelor pad in the summer, they have never posted this hard before and have always had issues with surrounding camps. I don't need pics to be a tad excited for the season we border each other.
My guess is they posted the pictures on another venue and someone there snatched them and sent to OND
I made a decision to share my pics with one person this year. I don't excited until I see them regularly after velvet and in the daylight.
I wish I could figure out how to share my phone text pics. Posted their land ,signs on trees. I was sent a pic of the posted signs. They lined their property in yellow posted signs. Approximately every 10_15 ft. . Had me going down on a part of my property I haven't stepped foot on since April. Hhhmmmm a new stand and a bunch of signs missing...looks like I have to do some of my own papering. They now have 3stands along my line. Noticed all my pine saplings were short and full...they've been pinching back the central leader on all the ones across from their stand! Anyways These things are all signs that say there are big buck in velvet being seen. Sept. Will be a time I watch vehicle traffic on the road, the sounds of machines in the middle of the night, flashes of light across the dark sky and my posted signs magically vanishing. All things that tell me big buck are moving ,without my stepping foot on the interior or my place or checking my own cams.
First thing is to save those images to your phone. Should be an option when you click on the image. Once saved to your library. In the posting selct upload file After that, something like this should pop up with someimages below, if images are not below select the Browse option. After selecting browse select the menu optikn, mine being android has the 3 lines and you should see a menu for different types of images If your menu lools like mine select images and then choose your category where it would be. In your case it would be downloads. All the images I have posted are cropped screenshots, so I chose screenshots instead. Usually latest image saved is first, so if you just downloaded them to your phone that option would list first.
Thanks, wow no w I have,a lot of work to anyways this is how they posted the property . They don't post on my side.
I couldn't have been more wrong lol I didn't even ponder the thought it was about posting the property line.... sheesh
Lol I type what's in my mind....I re-read...not as bad as some considering the time and I'd been up a while by then after going to sleep at 1a.m....hahahahaha. point was his cams must be showing good buck sign. This is the heaviest they've posted thus far and he's taken some great bucks in the past.
Sounds like you need to hunt near your property line. Or figure out why they all of a sudden posted the line as they did. You might be on to something though with how they all of a sudden posted it. Any chance they may have had someone new join the camp and didn't want them jumping over the line not knowing?
This is the other side of their 100acres. They don't post our line They also have only family and a couple of friends. I'm sure they've seen something. I can't blame them there are some real ---- ----- that hunt this area. That said it does allow me some good information by way of actions of hunters in the area before season. The spot lighting will increase night traffic on the roads and ATV's. Even guys walking there dogs that never walk this hill when word goes out of a sighting. Just examples of things to look for in your hunting area when neighbors are tight lipped...So they think...Lol
Thanks for the effort! I get the picture now. Sometimes I'm a little slow. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
I as well lol, I thought the neighbor had cams on every other tree and posted images elsewhere. Made sense once I saw the picture posted
Lol...hey it's hot, I'm swamped with work and getting about 4 hrs sleep a night. The fact I was able to understand the instructions on how to get that pic out of my text is amazing...hahaha Thanks again.
Dang that's a lot of posted signs.....Maybe they are getting trespassers on their cams coming in from that side of their property?
Just during hunting season..every year. Though that said to the point of different ways to read buck sign, flagging. Guys might as well put up a neon sign that says " yes I have a cam on public land and got a big buck on it " when they plaster survey tape up and down the road on public hunting.
Holy crap!! That will teach me to check the batteries in my cannon. This Samsung 4 is just too old to get good pics in low light. I looked out the TV room window to see deer in farmers field. Went and got binos to see what the neighbor must have. He's massive and he was with another wide shooter 8pt. They had come out from our land because as I was sneaking closer down a path I made in the hedge row I was busted by some more deer on our land. It's been a few years since I've seen a buck that big here. Coke can bases with crazy long tines. I couldn't count the number or see how wide , he was in profile. Worth every skeeter bite I got...Oh boy glad I got a new thermal cell with holster.. So I was right about his crazed tree papering. Though we are 2/3 a mile from that posted line. They were headed that way.
This is the best my phone could do at full zoom. I will try to get some with the cannon. Get some with their heads out of the clover