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RC60 Vs No Flash Cuddeback

Discussion in 'Trail Cameras' started by Schultzy, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Last Saturday I put out 3 camera's. 2 of the camera's I put In the same spot (One above the other). The 2 camera's I put together were the RC60 Reconyx (2008 model) and a No Flash Cuddeback (2006 model). I wanted to see how many pics my cuddeback would miss being I knew the RC60 wouldn't be missing any, there one outstanding camera when It comes to picking stuff up. To my surprise the cudde only missed 2 pics out of 40. I figured It was going to be more then that. The one thing I did notice was that the RC60 would trigger a second quicker then the cuddeback- Reason being, the trigger time Is much faster and the viewing range Is much wider on the RC60. Most of the 1st pics on my RC60 were head and neck shots and then the full body shots. The cuddeback pics are almost always dead center In the middle. Comparing the quality of the day time pics between the 2 I gotta say the cuddeback wins that one hands down. Yet, have I seen a camera with a better quality day time pic then a cuddeback. The night pics were a horse a piece. In the warmer temps I think the RC60 night time pics were allot better then the cuddeback. According to the Reconyx website I'm suppose to be using rechargables when It gets cold. I'm guessing that's why I wasn't as Impressed with the night time pics as I was earlier this year. The temps have been -20 to -30 below here the last week or so.
  2. Buck Magnet

    Buck Magnet Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Indiana, PA
    Very nice write up Steve. How are these units battery life in these cold temps? I have the RC60 out now and its -6 degrees out right now with a windchill of -25 degrees. I am not sure when I am going to check it again but I am sure that these cold weather is going to put a dent into the batteries!
  3. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The RC60 took 282 pics and the battery life was at 65% I believe. The 2 cuddebacks did better then I thought they would also. The older cuddeback (2006) was 50% and took 27 pics and video's and the newer cuddeback (2007) was 75% and took 15 pics and video's. The video mode Is what burns the battery life on these cudde's. I have my cudde's set to take one minute video's. I bet If I turned off the video mode the battery's would last allot longer and would compete with other camera's on battery life.
  4. buttonbuckmaster

    buttonbuckmaster Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    southern IL
    I'm not impressed with my Cuddeback No Flash at all. The only pics I ever get are of my fat ass.

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