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Rattling Antlers

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Gear' started by Antlermanec, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Antlermanec

    Antlermanec Newb

    Sep 4, 2009
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    Southern Illinois
    Hi guys
    I have several antlers and get in some that I can't use or they have slight damage. I got in some sets this spring that were from Legally taken deer in Kansas, Iowa etc. The burrs are sanded and polished. I can cut off the brow tines if desired. All of them are from 2 1/2 year old bucks and older. They range from $30-40 plus shipping Which will run between $12-15. We can ship more than one set to save on shipping. email if interested I can send pics. I have quite a few right now. These are so much better than the plastic antlers. These are the real deal with decent tines and mass etc. Most are in the 100-120" range some slightly larger.
    Eric Carr
    Crooked Creek Antler Art

    email [email protected]

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    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009

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