7 out of 10. I got a decent buck for my area and a hog. Missed a nice 8 point. And had to watch 2 very nice bucks that I couldn't get a shot at. I was happy. Would've been alot better without the miss, but he'll be back and bigger next year
7.5. a decent buck would have made it a perfect 10. I got my early season doe i wanted, then packed the freezer with a few extras. Im extremely confident in my shooting, just not on th ability to get on bucks older then 2.5.
I took my dad and sons hunting quite a bit this year. The results were'nt spectacular, but the memories were great. I'll give it a 9.
I'll go with a 9. Started bow hunting last year and got my first bow kill this year. Saw a few deer, learned alot about hunting with a bow and can't wait for September.
A nine for me. I had another incredible fun filled year hunting with friends and family. It would have been a perfect ten had I gathered the hog I shot in Oklahoma (hit him back a tad). I had misses but that's just part of hunting. 2010 has the potential of being my best ever. Much of it will be spent hunting with my daughter.
LOL....I hear ya Jeff. If you were nine or so, I'd consider that option. We're gonna have fun buddy! That I promise!
Will I was looking forward to what your score would be. Now someday can you give us a pictorial of this past season if time permits? Family, scene, and kills or whatever I really enjoy sharing via pics with you. Thanks, T
I would give my season a 7 overall. This is because I didn't get out as much as I would have liked. Although I did score my first buck, who just happens to be visiting a taxidermist as many of you know :D, I did not have any shots other than him. If I had gotten out a few more times and been able to at least draw on a doe or two, I would have given my season a 9. 10 for me would have been scoring my limit for the season in my zone. That would be the PERFECT season for me!
I rate mine a 9. killed lots of deer with bow and gun and a couple of nice bucks. also saw lots of deer and learned some new land and new tatics that worked.
I gave this a lot of thought. I had a real tough season. I did pass bucks and one that I'm second guessing myself on. I did not kill a single deer this season. If things would have slightly different I could have scored on 3 big ones. I could use words like disappointing and frustrating to describe this year. I hunted 3 different states. I hunted near home in Wis instead of traveling north as I have done in the past. I got close to scoring on the only buck I found that interested me. We met at my stand at the same time one evening. If only I had gone in a bit earlier that evening! I hunted a new area out of state and I had great luck. I passed on a bunch of deer and kinda regret not taking a shot at one of them. Again, I missed an opertunity at a big one because I was a bit late. I met a dandy at the waterhole I was going to set up on. This was the year that seemed as though the deer could do no wrong and I could do no right. I know that the ones that get away make the ones I get much more special. Whenever I focus on the kill alone and not the whole adventure of the hunt I find that I don't enjoy hunting as much. After I took the time to think about my hunts as a whole and not just what I killed I have decided that my season was a 10!
I'd have to give my season a 9.8. I have only shot 2 deer in the past 5 years of bow hunting and this year I shot 2. I finally got good equipment and knowledge and I shot a small buck and a doe this season. My best so far, the only thing that would of made it better is if my buck was bigger. Next year
Don't bother bow hunting Vermont I hate to post such a negative comment here. But the deer herd in Vermont is sad. I have lived here all my life and for the first time since I was about 10 years old, I am not going to bother to buy a bow license next year. The state "biologists" hand out doe tags like candy (for $10 each). They do not listen to the concerns of the hunters. The excuse they give us is that the apples are keeping the deer in the woods away from hunters stands. I guess they think we hunt on main street from a phone pole. The numbers show that the harvest is down about 25% from last year, which was down significantly from the year before and so on for 4 or 5 years. Don't waste your time bow hunting here fellas.
My Archery Season in PA i would rate a 3, i didnt see a Buck that i wanted to KILL, and i screwed up on a couple of does. My Ohio adventure with 2 friends i would rate as a 6, it would have been higher had i actually sent an arrow into a BUCK. i had a 130ish 10 point at 35 yards too much brush. 110ish 9 pt at 12 yards( 120 inch min.) couldn't pull the trigger, and then a big body deer chasing anther deer at 20 min before shooting light i couldn't tell what it was, but the body was big?????????? But what made my Season was that i took my Daughter and Son out during the Orange Army Season, Neither one of them was able to kill anything so i would have to rate that a 9, it would have been higher if iether one of them woould have connected. There is always NEXT year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
On a 1 - 10 scale 5 is average so I'll give mine a 5. I had some great times, met some new friends, hunted some new places for some new game but then, that's the same thing I do every year! (You really don't want me grading your papers, I'm that harsh then too!)
10 for me out of the house not at work in the outdoors seen lots of deer, turkey, squirrels, coons, coyote, great sunsets and awesome sunrises spent time with good friends got home safe everytime another awesome year
I would say this was my worst season in twenty years (a 0), but I made some friends. Including a great guy that I visited in another state and did some hunting with. Plus if I had not made a mistake (which I knew better than to do), I am confident I would have shot about a 130" eight point. So, I would have to call this season a 9 due to the new friendship.
Well i give my season a 1. To much hunting pressure and poaching. tried to call game warden did no good. Next year will be the first year bow hunting no more gun for me. I give it a 1 only because i seen alot of late season doe but kept waiting for a buck with no luck. So i guess im a new to the family.:D