Dave - I'm anal about my fletchings, and you know I've always crested them myself... Just no time this year. Busting my ass bigtime at work. I dunno... Some of you guys seem to think that's a fair price . . . and as far as the fletching labor goes... I agree. That said, I can guarantee you that this guy will not be dropping another 20-spot on a generic pack of arrow wraps. For that matter, I can guarantee that I'll never spend another nickel there. The Undisputed King has always done all his own work - so he knows the price of components... Needless to say, it was a bit of sticker shock to get gouged for a 1000 percent markup on a pack of arrow wraps. Don... I love you and miss you too.
He needs to be on the Tool Academy Quick I happen to know the regional manager for cabelas, if the Kings needs me to make a call I will.
Hillrunner - It's the principle. A ripoff is a ripoff. It doesn't matter whether it's a $700 brake job or a 1000% markup on a pack of stickers. LOL Thanks Gary, but I'm cool. I just ordered 5 dozen wraps on ebay, for future use. Grand total: $14.00. Now I'm happy : ) Jeff, the house I just bought has a 500 square foot attic - 13 yards long and 9.5' high at the peak... I've been chipping away at finishing the flooring and constructing a short indoor archery range / arrow building workshop. In a perfect world, I will never have to enter a bow shop again.
Quik I was just thinking... You could have got some KICK ASS wraps from OneStringer for a heck of a lot less, lol. That there would have saved you almost ten bucks!!!
King, it seems like you have made an undisputed mistake. It is only $20 ($18 actually), how much is a lawyers time worth? I thought it was a helluva lot more than that. Now put your big boy pants back on and stop whining over something so trivial. Kings (and lawyers) don't care about money! Now act like one!
I concur with RJ, yeah the price on the wraps is high, but it evens out with the cheap labor. How was the quality of the work? If it was on par with the King's high standards, then I'd be alright with it, regardless of the obvious rip. I think the King should be more attentive to the rather large man crush that HCH has on him. Were Elite's forums down?
Fran next year, or next time you need some fletching done contact me. The mailman may take a few days but I'll get them done for you. I'll cap and crest if you wish or use wraps. I'll do it because I enjoy it and it won't cost you anything but some postage to mail them here. or I could buy them, cut and fletch and you just pay for material.
I love using Photoshop and designing my own wraps, mailing them to Onestringer, and then putting them on my arrows- I get the whole "custom done" deal that way. If anyone ever needs any wraps made up, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
Now that there's funny! :d Honestly, Rick James is right. The guy was a bit steep on the price of the wraps. Lancaster is getting $16 a dozen for them plus shipping retail. The thing of it is that you did get the labor for a real reasonable rate but the big picture you're missing is that if this guy can't meet the overhead for his shop and have a little left over to put bread on the table he's going to close the doors. Then where are you going to be when you're too busy to do it yourself? Should've taken Justin's advise from last week and gone with the NAP QuickFletch. http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=6803&highlight=fletch