So, I went to Cabelas and bought a dozen shafts and 36 fletchings. Because I'm busy as hell, I didn't have time to get to my uncle's place to use his jigs, so I figured I'd just pay someone to do it. I needed wraps anyway (plain white), so it would be an opportunity for somebody to make a small sale and do some basic service. My buddy knows a guy who knows a guy.... My arrows were finished today, so I sent somebody to pick them up. Well, the arrow fairy dropped them off today, and I almost had a goddamn stroke. The bill? $30??!! For the cheapest wraps they make, and to fletch a dozen arrows. Receipt said $20 for the wraps, ten for the fletching job. $20 arrow wraps???! We're talking about 12 nylon stickers... I swear to god, if my buddy didn't like this schmuck . . . if he didn't hang out at this shop all the time, I'd LOVE to take my happy ass over there tomorrow and just absolutely blow a gasket on this guy. Plain white wraps sell for about $2-a-dozen on ebay. We're talking about a 1000% markup. One THOUSAND percent. $20 for plain white wraps? Gimme a goddamn break. Man, I hate having my hands tied. I'd totally love to call this guy and explain in graphic detail how I'd walk to the ends of the earth in bare feet on a smoldering bed of coals before I'd ever spend another nickel in his podunk-ass bow shop. Maybe I'd tell 'em how I would make my own bow out of dowel rods and rubber bands before I'd buy one from his shop. I'd chisel stone arrowheads out of driveway gravel before I'd buy a broadhead from this guy. Ya know what else would be fun? Watching them remove their overpriced arrow wraps one-by-one, while I watch and tell them where they can stick each and every one. God, I hate getting ripped off.
Quick, why don't you tell us how you really feel. That stinks man, sorry to hear that maybe just speak to the guy and explain what you were expecting??
Nice language there, undisputed idiot. Thou shall not use God's name in vain. But then again, you also support the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment and have openly made these views heard on Huntnet. You should go in the archery shop and run your mouth at the guy so he can drop you on your butt for being a loudmouth and un American. While you are in there, tell him and all of the other guys in the shop how you think that all guns should be outlawed and our 2nd amendment rights taken from US citizens. Hey still flunking out of law school? I remember that PM you sent me last year wanting me to teach you how to own a pest control business because you were flunking out of school. Later, undisputed idiot and spineless twerp that doesn't even own his own fletching jig, but claims to be the know all and God's gift to the archery world. :p
At least you used in a capital G quick:D THe world would have ended if you did not. HCH what does the good book say about divorce? Don't throw stones from glass houses
You never cease to amaze me, why bother to even visit this site if all you post is negativity??? Once again why all the grade school drama....
Yea doing it yourself does save alot of money, and i use those 2 dollor wraps off of ebay and they work fine for me.
I hear ya on the price of wraps....most shops around here sell them for $1 per each. Guess next'll find time to do your own!
$30 is a fair price IMHO for the whole package. While the guys was a bit high on the price of the wraps, his labor is dirt cheap, enough to offset the cost of the wraps. Realistically, wraps are gonna sell for $10 a dozen most places that are brick/mortar, and when I was working at a shop $20 is what we used to charge in labor to fletch a dozen arrows. It's going to take an hour or so to fletch a full dozen properly, there aren't many businesses out there where you can get an hour of work for $20. Heh, sooooo true. If you want a "bargain", don't bring in stuff from a box store. Have the box store do your work for cheap, and expect cheap work, or do your business with a local shop on a regular basis, and once you develop a good relationship..........your probably gonna get some breaks. That's just how it works.
WOW! I understand you guys may have a history, but why would you even make this post? We aren't trying to make each other look bad... or are we?
I'd have to say the person at fault is you for not finding out the cost of the product & labor before you let someone do work for you.
That sucks Quik, but that's not really too bad of a price for what I'm used to. Most guys around here charge $2 to fletch an arrow and then about $1 per wrap (give or take). I'd expect to pay $30/dozen around here.
I see Hardcore is acting like a tool once again. I'd be pissed as well, seems a bit high. Hell, last time i ordered wraps i got 18 for less than $5
Wow, thats an awful lot of anger over 20 bucks. Hate to see how you react when something really goes wrong.