I'm looking into buying a rangefinder on limited funds so I've been looking at used ones on classifieds. I was wondering if any of you have or still use the Nikon prostaff 550, and what you thought about it.
Kendall (Carpsniper) bought one last year. He likes it better than my old bushnell range finder. (his goes down to a half yard, mine doesn't) It tells you the yardage... pretty much what you'd ask for in a range finder. You'll probably like it just fine. I did notice the other day my bushnell was either confused by the fog or by condensation. Everything was either 14 yards away or 366 yards. :D
Brunton Echo Rangefinder... Brandon, Check out this .... http://www.defenseknife.com/f-200024.html This is what I picked up back in August when my Nikon kept acting up. I got mine on clearance from BassPro for $100, but it is well worth $200 when you look at the decent optics and LIFETIME WARRANTY!!! It won't do "half-yards" ranging, but what's really the difference between a 50 and 51yd shot anyhow??? Not enough that it's worth it!!!
brandon what ever you do dont buy a leupold i had on for 2 months and it quit working and they would do nothing about it so i bought a nikon pro staff and love it . any range finder is good for bow hunting so buy the cheapest one u can find its not like u r shooting 800 yds with a bow
I picked up one of those new Nikon Archer's Choice rangefinders and really like it. Easy to use, display is easy to read, comes with a neoprene case to protect it, and a nice big strap too. For around $200 it's a great deal IMO. Wasn't a fan of my Bushnell or my Leupold. Been much happier w/the Nikon.
The prostaff I was looking at was only a couple months old and $135 tyd. I guess it was a pretty good deal because it already sold . I guess I'll continue my search. I don't need it for far distances at all because with my bow I'll only shoot out to about 40 yards max and with a gun I don't shoot past 100 yards. I would really like to pick up the archer's choice but right now I don't have the money to drop on it. I just have some troubles judging distance once I get out past about 25 yards or so and would had to have a misjudgement in yardage.