..and while I'm posting.... This is what I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday doing... Serving chicken teriyaki at the Japan Festival. I'm liking the paper hat and apron look. I may switch from healthcare to food service. :D There were bows here too. shaping the bow with bamboo shims. Hand wrapped fletching. (much less convenient than the BH.com shrink fletching) Some ikebana. (heh.. posting flower arrangements on here makes me smile...) Wildlife in my mom's yard that I could have killed with my maglite. (but instead I took pictures)
Sparky, I have an even better picture of you that I didn't post. I'm saving it for blackmail purposes.
I forgot my sippy cup. I think somebody peed in my beer. Mine too! :D Nappy time! Man was that fun last night.
Crick did you make Christine play the role of Jazzy? Shame on you! She got pics to prove that you wore a pink speedo didnt she?