Sometimes I'll spook deer on my property when I'm riding the fourwheeler around, but I noticed something. When I come pulling up on the noisy fourwheeler and a deer sees me, it just kinda trots a few yards then slowly walks away. A lot of the time they'll just keep doing what they're doing then slowly walk down the trail. They don't snort or pay much attention to me at all....but during season when I'm on foot, trying to be quiet, it's completely different! If they see me or smell me on my way to the stand or in the stand, they snort to high heaven.....What the heck? I don't get it
They know that a 4 wheeler will most likely zip right by and keep going. It does not impose as big of a threat. They are conditioned. I know many don't think that deer can remember, and many think that we give them too much credit. I do not agree. I mean, humans are much more 'evolved' and I see people do stupid crap all the time. Some deer are easy to pattern and figure out. Others are not.
They really don’t mind the old farm truck at our place or the rhino. A lot of times there will be deer at the feeder just minutes after we fill up and drive away. I have also noticed the people riding horse’s don’t spook deer. Often they will just hold tight and let you ride past. In my canoe I can get very close to deer. They just don’t associate those things with danger around here.