How does rain typically effect whitetail? It has been raining a lot over the last few week's and then we will get more rain with post hurricane effects.
I believe its all dependent upon intensity, duration, and what kind of pressure system it is involved with. I will hunt in a light steady rain because I believe it does not damper movement in fact I believe it increases it. I will not however hunt in a steady down pour I believe this dampers deer movement not only does it affect the deers ability to hear but also is there ability to hear predators coming in or around them. You just have to find out for yourself. If you are on stand and a quick storm blows through I would deff stay on stand if you can as deer will be up and moving typically right after passing storm. Take all this for what it opinion.
Deer love eating grass that’s wet or at least moist. Sprinkles ? Perfect. Down pour ? Gotta wait it out. Imho Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
hunting in steady rain is a good way to lose a deer. In the woods it's not so bad but field edges/crp is bad juju.