Booner Assassins?? Idk kinda dumb I'll keep working on it. TJ I vote you team captain if your up for it.
Picking team names is tough... they all always sound Jon I'm gonna give it another day to see who pops in then I will start sending out PM's to those who have not yet checked in. Till then we can keep throwing around ideas. Maybe that Simon punk will have some ideas
Team Quinceanera would make an appropriate name for you could get all your dresses out and the take a picture for your avatars
Checking in Fellas! Matt from Western IL. TJ for captain, any name fine with me...always think they sound pretty goofy as well, one idea: Raging Antlerholics
Finally checking in. Eric from Southern Indiana. TJ for captain and whatever name you guys come up with gets my vote, will be better then what I come up with. Season is looking pretty good so far with what I've got on camera. Mid bowseason (Oct 20th to the last weekend Nov 15ish) is my best hunting. Have gotten some real good bucks on camera this summer and one that was on my list last year that I had a few encounters with survived and is back and is bigger. Hopefully be putting the Creed to work quite a bit this season