ok so i am shooting a black ice with a 27 inch draw @ 60 pounds do you think i would be ok shooting the 2 blade rages or should i go with the new 40 k.e. rage just need to know what i should get
Personally, I wouldn't buy anything that said Rage on the package. I tried them and had LOTS of problems and a couple guys I know had some of the same. Maybe it was just bad luck though because a lot of guys on here seem to have lots of luck with them.
I am not the most intelligent on this subject, but some more info would be neded to see if you can shoot this head? What kind/size arrow are you shooting? I switched this year to Rage heads and I have yet to shoot an deer with them, but I learned alot this year that it all depends mostly on your arrow and if your bow is properly tuned to get adequate penetration with these heads!! Gd Luck!!
The older 2'' rages had few pass thrus on them because of the degree of the blades & such.......... thats why they went to the 1.5'' with a better degree layback on the blades for better energy transfer but with everything in life that has alot of moving parts to it = Somethng is bound to fail....... The new BH's seem to have weak orings that cant hold in the blades in place
I live South of Superior & I know a few people Who make them........ I have told them my mishaps with these BH's & yet / No one listens.... You still have to upgrade them yourself
I was recommended the 2 blade Rage by the guy at the bow shop the other day. I hear good things about them, but have always been leery of mechanical blades. I'm sure they work, otherwise, they wouldn't be so popular.