Fishing For Kids is trying to raise money in these hard times. The usually sponsors that normally donate have cut back and we need to fill the void as a organization. So FFK has come up (at our last meeting) with a raffle for either a 308 Weatherby Rifle or $500 cash. Now here is the sweet part-the person or organization that sells the winning ticket also gets to choose between the rifle and the cash prize. The person or organization should put their name on the back of the tickets they sell and turn in. Now I and a couple others have decided to put FFK on the back of the ones we sell and Fishing For Kids gets to keep the $500 cash. Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. Drawing will be at our last quarterly FFK/Mid Ky Bass banquet meeting on Nov .7th 2010 For those interested in getting some tickets to sell please contact Shelton Young about getting you set up --- [email protected] If you are just interested in purchasing some tickets you can send payment along with contact name and phone number to : FFK %Shelton Young 380 O,Daniel Lane Lebanon, Ky. 40033 and we will put your name in the hat. Thanks for your support. Eddie Goode FISHING FOR KIDS President Cell# 502-541-1918 945 St. Francis Road St. Francis, KY. 40062 [email protected]