Back on track.... Props to.the shooter for meeting with Matt and scoring that buck properly.....y'all can put your hanging ropes away..... I can't imagine how he feels after not being able to get the venison and then getting accused of crap ... questioning is healthy....accusations are hurtful
You were questioning were many....we need to question scores that are obviously off...obviously :D It's how I roll...:D
Maybe my internet competitiveness never fully developed like some, but the score discrepancies never bothered me much. Glad to see Matt stepping up to help what looks like an honest mistake.
It would not be scored as an 8pt no. All points must originate from the main beam. Your 8th point although would count in gross score as abnormal point would be a deduction on your net score.... Is it an 8 pt Yes but the 8th point will not be a G measurement but an abnormal measurement. Matt will walk ya through it I am sure.
No worries dude. Thats the great thing about this site. For every 1 guy like tacklebox their are 10 guys like Rick James.