It's been quiet, anyone had any luck? I haven't been out for a couple weeks. I won't go back out till this weekend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let's bump the thread to see if there has been any luck? I've got some more field points and am contemplating shooting since we've been in an unusually warm weather.
Heading out tomorrow morning. I've been seeing a buck early in the am but never could see where he was tucking into wood line...until the other morning, he left a nice trail for me to follow. Set a hang on stand 15 yards from the entry point where the wind in 95% of the time in my favor. Hopefully I can seal the deal on a good buck. Side note: I have heard/seen quite a few bucks without antlers already, whats the deal with this? I may post this in the normal forum after some google research. Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.
Hey fellas, been busy lately so haven't been out much. Holidays, sister and her husband moving, grandpa being in hospital, and trying to get work done before weather stays crappy has taken up alot of time. Hopefully things have died down now so should get to head out some more before end of season. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
I was out driving around and saw a bunch of deer this afternoon. I can't tell bucks or does for the most part because the two bucks I could make out only had one antler. On another note, I hope you had a merry Christmas.
Looking to finally take a doe this weekend for 50 more points and some meat. Bucks are still mostly nocturnal here.
Well fellas, the past two season have been a bust for me. Hopefully, next year will turn around. I'm pretty much done in Tennessee, it was getting harder to drag my butt out of bed each day. I am off to Illinois this Sat/Sun for one last effort, the big fella is still roaming, hopefully, it will cap off the season. Thanks to all of you guys for the effort and teamwork. Perhaps we will team up for turkey this April.
Struck out again. Saw 100 million deer driving to spot, nothing worth shooting while in the stand. I could get out this week, but it is to the point of not being fun, so it's time to hang the bow up for a little while. I'm taking out the air rifle and drop some squirrels, that usually cheers me up. Thank you to all of you, overall, I think we did pretty good. Maybe we will cross paths during the turkey or 17 deer contest. I wish you all the best. Side note: I have a S/M HSS harness I need to trade or sell. Gander Mountain shipped me the wrong size and it was too late to take to store to exchange. It worked, just cut into my nuggets a little. I need a L/XL if somehow someone needs a smaller one.
Nice buck unique rack color very nice congrats to your cousin Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My place of employment just changed vacation policy, so it's looking like any time in the mountains in 2017 will be scouting for 2018. I'm kinda bummed out about it, but kinda ready for a break. This year was hard on me, mentally. This gives me a chance to see where the deer move during the season without having the pressure of trying to fill a tag
SO whats the world fellas? Has Fitz updated the scorecard in the last few months? Where do we rank? Im still hunting, and still got bucks and does to kill.