IF a cold snap hits between September 15th and October 1st I may utilize being in a reduction zone and try to lay a flat head down early...we shall see. Be nice to lay one down and earn a second buck tag in IN but also quick easy 50 points for our team.
Man idk if anyone else has it this bad or not. But I'm considering going to my lease by myself this weekend to do a little work and check cameras over hanging with my buds on a local lake this weekend for laborday. I'm just ate up with this bow hunting thing. Lol
Well, I see my neighbor's white oak is dropping some acorns, so Sat I'm going to check the whites in my hunting area. There's about 7 or 8 real big white oaks, but they seem to drop every other year, not each year like many red oaks do.
A lot of red oaks have been dying in my neck of the woods this year. Heard there was some type of blight like what destroyed the Ash trees here a couple of years back with the bark beetles.
Just an FYI for everyone. Ticks are not the only parasitical insect to be concerned about. Just got out of the hospital yesterday from a bout with cellulitis (basically a skin infection). Dr. said likely caused by chigger/turkey mites that have been feasting on me when I get out on the farm. Apparently had one that got infected. Had to get some IV antibiotics and continue an oral regimen for 14 days. That had me wiped out for a few days this week and really surprised me by how that progressed. Permethrin, OFF and boots will be my constant companion.
Wow! I hate that for you man.... Chiggers are by far the worst, but I never realized that could even be an option.
I hate Chiggers. A few years ago I had a battle with them out in Kansas at a family reunion. That's why I hunt there in November.
Ya'll have a safe and enjoyable weekend. I'm leaving for a seven days to see if the elk will cooperate.
Good luck Oldcarp!! kb, that sucks man.. I keep the same policy March - Sept... Permethrin, deep woods OFF and jeans/long sleeves/boots.
Brad sent me a message, we will be adding another man to the roster! Once he checks in give him a warm welcome!
Picked up a new nice 9 (almost 10 point) on camera (first two pics) along with my #1. I also caught my #1 on video which was my goal this week. I'll try to upload the video to show you guys. I think he's regressed some from last year, but talking with my buddy he thinks he's still a big deer based off his mass at the base and length of g2's. Maybe the g3s are throwing me off by not being as big as his g2's. But his g'2s almost come around and touch each other.
Went up to the property this weekend and finally finished up a new multi-person permanent tree stand. Took a while to get it done, but it looks really nice and will hopefully last for quite a few years! Also checked/moved some cams around before opening day in a couple weeks. Had a few nice 2.5 years olds show up that’ll get a pass this year and also a couple 3.5 year old 10 pointers that I’m hoping will give me a shot. Can’t wait to get back up into a tree again!!
Just a heads up. Tomorrow is camo Tuesday black Friday on midway USA. May be some pretty sweet deals if you guys are interested
Once velvet comes off I'm guessing he will fall around 123...appears close to done as no bulbous tips or anything. Solid deer!