Alright, I know several of you used to dip and don't do it anymore... did you go cold turkey, get hypnotized, what??? I've been at it for oh... 10 years or so, a baseball thing that kept going. I went from October to April without it 2 years ago, but there are certain times when it kills me. Like a really long road trip to hunt birds in Wyoming or Turkey season... Anyway, I want and need to walk away... any advice?
When I quit chewing I started smoking so I'm not much help. Now I'm quiting smoking which sucks more than quiting chewing.Chew lots of gum.
I quit for 2 months earlier this year and am back at again. I quit cigs cold turkey 5 years ago and haven't craved one since. I can't get to that point with chew, I always crave it.
chew jurkey chew instead, its a mind thing, you trick your body in thinking you have a dip in. i know thats how alot of ppl i know have done to try and quit.
With all the monotonous days I have during the summer, Mr. Levi Garret can't leave my side.... I'm no help brother
Yeh... If you like sucking on sawdust I'd go with a non-nicotine snuff such as That Smoky Mountain stuff... You'll hate it, but its something to help with the mind game part of it.
I used to chew cope at work. When I wanted to quit I took an entire tin and swallowed the whole thing. When I quit pukin I haven't had any since. The smell alone will make me gag. I still chew Red Man occasionally but that is very rare. I know it sounds gross but it worked for me.
Try any of these. Good luck. http://
I used to chew Kodiak and had to have a skin graft on my lower jaw to keep my teeth from falling out. After coming close to needing a second skin graft I opted for a radical approach that has kept me Dip Free since 93. I took a whole dam can and shoved it in my mouth and them swallowed it with the help of some Miller Lite. I puked for a few hours and can't even chew Winter Green gum to this day.
I used to smoke, chew and dip. If it was tobacco I loved it. Now I don't do any of it. As others have said, it is a mental hurdle and if you can make that leap you can quit. I didn't do the swallow a can or wad route but I did something similar. Whenever I would get the urge for tobacco I would kind of force the gag reflex thing. Try and make myself gag while thinking I wanted to smoke/dip/chew. That would help me prolong the intervals between tobacco. As the intervals grew longer the process became easier until I just quit thinking about how good a smoke/dip/chew would be. I do still have one vice. After dinner, when me and the dog head out, instead of a chew I'll take along some peppermints. Good for the digestion and a bit of the "ol' days". It has been many years since I even had the urge for tobacco now.
I'm in the same boat, fellas. I've been dipping Kodiak (and switched to Grizzly when it came out) for over 15 years. It's time to let it go. Maybe we should chooses a date and form our own little support group
I have been chewing a can and a 1/2 of Skoal wintergreen fine cut for 15 years and would give anything to quit, just have never been able 2. Im all game for the support group thing.
im in on the support group. Im 20 now and have been chewing since i was about 16. I usually go through a can in about 3 days, so its not too bad but i just want to quit! It really doesn't do anything for me anymore but i just have to have it, otheriwise i get a headache and am crabby as hell. Let's do it!
I chewed for about 25 years. On August 2nd it'll be 2 years whithout it. The first 3 weeks were tough, and I gained over 30 lbs. the first year, but the weight's all gone now, and I feel better about myself. Here's a little tip: Stick the money you used to spend on tobacco in a jar everyday. Use it for hunting/fishing trips or equipment, or whatever you want. Watching it add up helps. Good luck to all, Keith
Alright guys, I'm willing to do the "group quit" I'll start in the morning (Monday June 7th) if anyone else wants to join me. Maybe I'll start another thread to track our progress. Anybody else?
Good luck Dub (and everyone else making the jump) I've chewed for ~5 yrs,and to be honest I don't think I could do it. You all are stronger willed, than I.