Quick take down bow display stand

Discussion in 'Traditional Archery' started by VA Bowbender, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. VA Bowbender

    VA Bowbender Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Quick take down bow display stand

    I needed to make a display stand to take to ETAR. Here's what I came up with.
    2- 10D (penny) nails
    3-1X2X8ft pine furring strips
    2- 5/16" dowels
    1- 1/4X20X4" threaded rod with nuts
    3 ft of braided cord
    Cut the furring strips to 6'
    Drill a 1/4" hole at the top of the 3 furring strips and bolt together.
    Cut the dowels into 13 4" lengths. (12 for bow rests, 1 for quiver hanger)
    Drill 12 equally spaced 5/16" holes on the 2 outside supports.
    Taper one end of each dowel piece.
    Take one piece of the cut off ends of furring strip and cut it to 22" with a 30 degree angle at each end.
    Cut the heads off the nails and install in the ends of the 22" spacer brace.
    Measure 32" from bottom of the 2 outside supports and drill holes for the 22" brace support to go into.

    Insert the 4" dowels in to the equally spaced 5/16" holes, taper end out.
    Drill another 5/16" hole in the center support at a 45 degree upward angle and insert last 4" dowel.
    Drill a hole in the center of the 22" brace support for cord to go through. At the same height drill another hole in the center 6' support. Then insert cord.
    This is what you should end up with.
    Taken down view


    Assembled view


    On display


    Quiver peg


    I hope you like this. It will come in handy at hunting camp as well.

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