I have recently acquired 2 bows while I was deployed, I do not know anything about them as I know very litttle about bowhunting. 1 Bow is a Hoyt pro vantage impulse havent seen it on the hoyt site at all as the one on the site looks way different then the one I have. Next is a PSE Mach 6 maxis I got and as well cant find anyinfo on this. If someone knows about these bows that could help that would be great. I can take pics of them if anyone wants to see.
Welcome and Thanks for Your Service. I'm not familar with either one of those bows. However, what information are your looking for? Have any specific questions? Again, welcome.
I was seeing if anyone knew about them cause i dont even know where to begin to start buying sights and accessories for these type of bows. I dont know whether they are a good fit for me or not.