Ok guys I have a few questions? I am currenly shooting the F-15 100gr by carbon express and they fly very well but they dont leave a very good blood trail. So I decided to change it up and try a different broadhead. I bought some Magnus snuffer SS 100gr. I like the way they look and was impressed by them and could not wait to shoot them. Here is my problem, on one arrow I put the magnus broadhead on them and the arrow has the fusion vain (2in) by duravane (which I really like). I shot is and the arrow went everywhere changed arrows with the same vanes on them and it flew better but it was about 8 in low eveytime. K so now I changed arrows agian and went to the same arrow but it has 4in regular vanes on them shot it and perfect everytime. What is the deal I thought the fusion vane was supposed to help the flight of broadheads. My bow is not the fastest maybe 260ish but it gets the job done. any suggestions? thanks Scott