I live in a place where the buck to doe ratio is a little out of whack. its like 10 to 1(it could be even be higher like 20-1). Their just are to many does around and the state wont make any regulations to change it. But the question is with a ratio like that does all the deer scents and rattling and making mock scrapes etc really work? The bucks here just don't seem competitive enough to even care. You can sit in a stand and see 20 deer and all will be does. Anyone who has a ratio is their anything you do to attract the bucks?
I'd say your more that likely a 4:1 or maybe a 5:1 any higher I'd say your in serious trouble. The solution: Start filling the freezer, but you can't do it alone.
whitetail deer generally have 1 buck and one doe fawn, or 2 does with occasional triplets. so the natural ratio is between 2:1 and 5:1 (thats with a BUNCHA triplets!) i really really doubt that it is that high, Just because you SEE 10 does to every buck, doesnt mean that the bucks are not there!
yea but im not talking about just the birth rate i know that the birth rate is just about 50/50 but every hunter here shoots the first buck they see which for the most part so all the does get to live to be 5 6 years old and an average buck life is 1.5 years if you ask people what they shot for the year 80% will say spike horn 15% will say 3 or 4 pointer and this is a high 5% will say 7 pointer or 8 but if the deer is a 7 or 8 pointer it is only 2.5 years old. I am telling you this it is not the birth rate it is the hunter and i seriously think something should be done but i have tried to talk to other hunters about letting the younger bucks go but no one wants to go dry for a couple years. I am asking for help not to have comments bashing me because i had a ratio a little high if i wanted to know what an average ratio was i would have posted another thread. I am a young guy just trying to manage the deer all on my own and i just cant do it so i want help