That sounds like what I was thinking. I will still have pre set spots ready to go, but if I get a saddle setup I’ll keep that in my pack for if I decide to move spots mid morning or something like that.
I have a JX3 Hybrid and a recon two panel sling. I could not get comfortable in any other kind of saddle except for the hybrid. With the recon one panel goes under my butt and one goes in my lower back. I love this thing. I’ve sat in it twice now and I have seen one buck and seven doe. I popped a doe this morning out of it. If you want to give saddle hunting a try please consider the recon by treehopper. It is one comfortable way to hunt and it weighs less than a pound Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I also have the Aerohunter Kestrel flex. Although they revamped the design and no longer get the original. I have Aerohunter Merlin on order and should be here in about 3 weeks. All the Aerohunter saddles I have bought have been great, they are built like a tank! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I love my Recon but the JX3 Hybrid is the best saddle made in my opinion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
This weekend was my first actually hunting out of the saddle. I had been shooting out of it and sitting in it for a week and half prior. I have the Tetherd Phantom. It is super comfortable for me, after this year, I don't envision myself even setting up my ladder stand. The only discomfort I had in about 15 hours in the stand this weekend, was the 5 hour sit Saturday evening because I forgot my knee pads. As of now, I only hunt private land, and the saddle for me is just a tool to be flexible with my stand locations on the family farm. I usually have 5 or 6 different spots that I would like to hunt at various stages of hunting season, but only two stands to use, so my plan is to pre-set sticks at 3, and then have one mobile set up to cover the rest. . This year I am just using the saddle out of a pre-set hang on stand. After the season, I will iron out my mobile set up and platform. If I hang another set of sticks this year, I will be using some screw in steps as my platform.
I was looking around online the other day and I saw a saddle kit by Hawk called the Helium. Has anyone tried that to know if it’s any good or not?
I have one and it's not a bad little saddle. I've only hunted from it once, but I didn't have any issues with it. Also, I haven't tried the pad that it comes with. Not sure if that will actually do anything or not, but I'll give it a whirl once the cold weather comes.
I cannot speak to the saddle, but, I know a lot of guys that have been having quality control issues with Hawk's climbing sticks and other products. A lot of missing parts straight out of the box and breaking pieces. Personally, I would not feel confident trying their saddle as a first year product given the issues with other products. Kind of like buying the first year model of a car, it could be great, it could be a nightmare.
I didn't want to bash Hawk because I do not know their saddle quality control, but at that price point, you can get into a saddle from the two "big" saddle companies with a track record. I would give hawk a season to work out their kinks before dropping that coin.
Saddles are pretty simple devices. I looked mine up, down, and sideways, and used it on the ground and lower elevations before climbing into the tree with it. Honestly, I see zero quality issues or anything that gives me any sort of concern. The stitching is all solid, buckles are good, and rope is good quality. The only thing I would "maybe" be iffy on is the ascender they include with it. I'm using my Ropeman anyways, so it's not an issue for me. When it doubt, just use the included prussic knot. I would be willing to bet the sticks and saddles come out of two separate factories since once is a hard good and the other is more of a textile.
I have a CRUZR XC and Aero Hunter Merlin. I never used my Summit climber at all this past year. Deer know and avoid prehung stands after while. And now I can sit trees any where, I don't have to worry about size or straightness or branches or carry weight. You should try it. It's another tool. If you dont like it, sell it. It will sell fast.