The last few weeks my shooting has been pretty good but my arrow flight has been not so good. A couple of weeks ago when a bunch of us were out stumping one of the guys said to me "when I draw my recurve back my top limb twist's some". Could this be causing bad arrow flight? IMO I think It could and I never really thought about It till today when we were out stumping again. Today my arrow flight was the worst It's ever been this year by far. Pretty sure my release's were nice and clean and my grip was no different then any other time. If the limb twist Is the culprit, this Is not good!!!:mad1:
I honestly do not know, but I can't help but to think a twisted limb would most certaintly cause poor arrow flight.
I would really like to see a picture of limb twist if someone has one handy on their computer. I might learn someting here.
The next time someone Is around me I'll try and get them to take a picture of me with my bow drawn. It's pretty easy to see, heck I can see It when I look up.
Well dont look up your sposed to looking at the intended target:evil: But to your question yes limb twist will effect arrow flight. IMHO it's time for you to bite the bullet and get a Kanga TD LB:d :d
True, I can't argue with that. I was afraid you'd say this. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do now. Monday my FMJ's will be In. I was planning on going to the place I ordered them and bare shaft them there being I don't have an arrow cutter for carbon shafts, bad timing I say!! **** It, I'm still going to go anyway!! I knew you'd say this.:d
I wonder with going to a heavier arrow like I'm going to do, would that cover up my bad arrow flight some? Or would going to this heavier and stiffer arrow make It worse?
A heavier arrow, EFOC and even 4 feather fletches would probably help but in the end you are just hiding the problem , not really correcting it. Even if you were to stabilize your arrow flight you will still not get efficient energy transfer from your bow to the arrow. Tough break (no pun intended) but if you were to get a new bow you could still likely use the arrows you got unless you were going down a lot in DW. If you needed to sell your shafts I think they would go pretty fast on AT, especially uncut ones. I don't think you would lose all that much in the deal either.
Agree. I was planning on getting another recurve anyway for a back up this summer In the same weight or just slightly higher 3 to 4lbs but I was hoping to get some cash saved up 1st. This weekend were going stumping again and I'm going try like a SOB to see If any of my erratic arrow flight Is form related. I really don't think my form or my releases are the problem but ya never know I guess. Either way I'll be keeping these new arrows, they'll get put to use with this one or the next.
Well I shot my ass off this weekend trying to figure out whats going on with my erratic arrow flight. I must of shot at least 300 arrows and finally figured out that If I hold my bow a completely different way then what I'm used to my arrow flight Is pretty good. The way I'm gripping my handle Is not the norm for me but it's working. I'm pretty sure the way I'm holding It Is fighting the top limb from twisting like It has been. The handle Is sitting more against my thumb then It has ever before. I bet the handle Is a good 1/4 Inch farther to the right In my hand then It was before. I'm hitting good with It so I guess that's all that matters for now. Either way I'll have myself a new T/D recurve this summer, still not sure what bow will go hunting yet.
Well at least you found out how to make her shoot good. Glad you got it figured out Steve, I know it was bugging the crap out of you. Looking forward to some pics of your new recurve when you get it.