SO im hunting a blind on a biologic plot we put out near the end of summer, and honestly I have yet to see a doe there. I have seen nothing but bucks large and small. I know I know not a bad problem but that's not the problem. Yesterday afternoon about 30 minutes before last shooting light I saw one of the big boys come from the direction of his bedding area and he crossed a clearing about 60 yards from my blind. He was just walking slow and casual and seemed as nothing was wrong but his tail was sticking straight out. I couldn't tell if maybe he was peeing or pooping while walking or whatever. maybe he was nervous IDK. What do you guys think was going on with him.
hahaha possibly but man he's a little early on that stuff especially for something that don't have hands!
I have seen deer do this where they trot around with their head held high looking around. I too believe he is just looking for whats around.
thanks guys I appreciate the response. I didn't think I had spooked him cause he made no noise and just cruised by but wanted to run it by and get another opinion.
if the flags at half mast a brother has passed. Probably still grieving is all. Just do him a favor and put him out of his misery
I'm trying I been seeing this buck everyday I hunt this field just never within 60 or so yards and eating at the opposite end of the field !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yup time to move your spot if you always see him in that area but out of reach, move closer and good luck!
it sounds like he was just looking around, but yes put him out of his misery.. if you can get away with it id try to move the setup to the other side of the field or even just hang a stand up if you can and leave the blind that way you can play it with the wind..