I know these particular shafts may not apeal to everyone but every so often Alaska Bowhunting Supply offers there GrizzlyStik shafts (factory seconds) for $19.95 for 3 shafts. That comes out to (rounding off) $80.00 for a dozen with a bout $15.35 for shipping. That means you can get some awesome tapered shafts for right at $95 a dozen. These shafts normally go for $80, $90 and $110 per half dozen(6). Anyway, thought it is a pretty good deal and wanted to share it with you. http://www.alaskabowhunting.com/Web-Deals-C48.aspx
My recurve loves the Alaskans but I can't get them to fly out of my longbow so I have a half dozen in the Sitkas (next lower spine) that should be here today or tomorrow from Lancaster.