... back in Longbow! Just ordered me a 66" longbow! After messing around with my short longbow, 58", I got to shoot a 66" at Ojibiwa and boy I tell ya, what a difference! Still have some details to work out like trying to find some dirty boo lams, I'm hoping he can find some good ones. I really don't want to have to use stain, we'll see. Russ, Kent you boys have a line on dirty boo???
Thanks Jeff, I can't wait to get it either, should be here before September. Check one bow off the short list. Just confirmed the limb verneers are going to be Dirty Boo, with nodes of course! Bacote riser with a thin Osage curved stripe, Osage/Bacote riser overlay and Osage in the tips as well. Big River Longbows and John McDonald is the bowyer. John is a great guy that has been building bows for longer than I have been alive, he is well into his 80's now a days. He is as old school as it gets, no cellphone, no website and no internet. Which makes things interesting, He lives upnorth in Wisconsin Rapids. I met/know him thru a friend of mine thats known him for a very, very longtime. I shot a few of his 66" bows this past weekend and made the choice then, I want one! I'm letting John have a little fun with it since he is the bowyer. I'm in for a surprise!
Mate I have a ton of it but unfortunately it's for my customers :d Honestly about the only place I can think of that might have some is Kenny's Custom Archery out of Linneus MO. I'll pm you his number.
Thanks Russ, John just called and said he found some, I think he got it from Kevin at RER, they are good friends.
I just bought this Bear Magnesium TD riser. With my set of #3 limbs it makes a 64" bow or with the #1 limbs it make a 60" bow. 64"s is a real difference from the 56" I usually shoot. I too look forward to pictures of your new acquisition.
Steve, I put my short Longbow up for sale last night and sold it first thing this morning. I lost $30 from what I originally paid for it. I'm done with short bows. My Mohawk I'll never sell, its a keeper. My Big River thats on order is going to be a keeper as well, these bows are flat out shooters that smoke an arrow, heck, I thought my Mohawk zipped an arrow, can't wait to shoot the 55# BR because the 53# I shot was awesome!
Your right on the Internet thing, I can't find anything on his bows pictures wise. PM me a pic sometime. I was just jiving ya and giving you **** on buying bows Joe, hope you know that.
I know, its all good Steve. When I bought the Whisperstik I figured if I didn't like it I could use it as a trader bow or just sell it outright. You need to jump on in a buy something one of these days!
Steve, this bow pictured isn't a Big River but a Spirit longbow. This is kinda the look I'm going for, except the riser is going to be all Bacote with a Osage stripe, no cocobolo on the handle like in this one. Same type of limbs, dirty boo and same riser overlays combo. I gave John some ideas on what I wanted and told him to run with it. There is a pic in this thread of a BR longbow. http://tradgang.com/noncgi/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=076242;p=1
Lash an arrowhead to one of the tips & just reach out and stab em with it The bow in that pic is gorgeous.
Now your talking! Kinda like a bowspear! Yeah the woods on that Spirit is just amazing. I really like the Yellow of the Osage, it will fade with time to a Honey color which also looks pretty cool as well.