Refresh my brain folks!! It's been about 15 years since I last had to do any serving work. The serving on my recurve string Is damn near ready to come apart right below my nock on the string where my arrow snaps on to. Give me all your details and tricks as how to reserve this area once again. Fishing line should be ok to reserve It correct? Thanks!!
I use this stuff: BCY Bowstring #62 Braided Center Serving .021 Black/White. Jig Spool.I imagine fishing line would work just fine but make sure it is the diameter you want. I am guessing 6 lb or 4 lb would be close.
I too use regular braided serving string. 4# fishing line is typically .008 & 6# .010(at least for Trilene) You might have to got pretty high up in lb-test to get the desired thickness. But, the good news is that cheaper line usually has a thicker diameter to lb-test rating. Get a little serving tool & it is pretty easy to do. I believe it's 3Rivers Archery that also has a video(or you can probably google it) that explains the easy way to do the finishing tie off.
Shultz, Here's the kit I got to get me started. I now use .19 halo serving, but the serving in this kit works great too. Most of what I learned, I did so watching Rob, but the video included is very helpful.
Yeah Ryan is right, 3R carries it and has a how to video on their site as well. They have a pretty good customer service give them a call and he will match up your serving size to your nocks for proper fit.
Great stuff guys!! It's funny how a person kinda forgets something after not doing It for along time. :d Thanks much!!!!!!
I tend to stay away from monofilament (fishing line) as it tends to break rather than wear like braided servings mentioned above. I used to hate when Hoyt bows (in the past) came in with mono servings. I would immediately remove them and reserve the string. Mono when breaks unravels from the string immediately but braided serving when broke, you could probably field mend much easier and get through the hunt. IMHO.
Thanks Rob, I'll stay away from the "fishing line" then. I haven't touched It yet but I've gotta do It soon, she's about ready to let go.
I've found the Brownell Crown Serving to be the best for traditional bows shooting finger release. It gives a little smoother slide off the fingers. All my trad. strings get it. and here's the "how to" DVD:
Steve. I can't believe you forgot how to do serving. I use Halo serving on my my strings and use either the "Little Spinner" or AAE Cavalier serving tool.