ok guys i hunt in a acorn grovr surrounded by clear cut i see plenty of deer does and small bucks i let the majorty walk like small bucks an small does an if im feely good i will shoot s doe but i have cams out all over the grove by the way its ten acres with a 60 foot hill and a ridge running down a creek but i have mutiple pics of a nice bucks for south carolina one is a 8 point that looks wide but not to tall and a ten or 9 point thats tall an wide there are scrapes and rubs down this ridge and on the edges of the clear cut but the only pics are late are night. i was wondering if there is any way i could draw them out of there beds during daylight hours? thanks guys
Your best bet is to wait for the rut. I have the same problem in my area & during the rut all bets are off.
Similar issue here. I had them patterned through the corn, but only small bucks and does were moving during the day. The the corn is cut, and they stick to the hedges. The big boys are about to start moving here in IL at all hours of the day real soon. Rut timing is funky on the eastern seaboard (I hunted VA and NC when I was stationed in Norfolk from '04-'09). They'll come out eventually though.