is everyone finding their sheds on public or private land? has anyone noticed a lot more competition to get sheds over the past few years?
I used to hit the public ground quite a bit, but gave up on that a few years ago. If either myself or a friend can't hunt the deer I'm finding sheds off, what's the point? So they can sit around and collect dust in my garage? Now I stick primarily to only the areas I can hunt, or public land that adjoins them. Of course I never find anything anyways, but that's how I do it. :D
The majority of my shed hunting goes on land I can't hunt at least thats the way it's been the last couple years. If I knew there was big deer on some land public or private that I could shed hunt I would go looking. If I found some huge sheds I'd sell them. I could always use some money. I've never sold any because, all I find are small ones. Haven't looked on any public land yet.
justin and madman- do you guys have a lot of people in your area that shed hunt? it seems like it has really taken off here in sheridan. i just saw an ad in the paper yesterday for someone asking to shed hunt some land and pay a fee for doing so
I believe shed hunting has grown leaps and bounds in the last ten years just about everywhere. Unfortunately lots of low lives out there that trespass to find them. I had a guy mess with one of my cams once looking for sheds; at least he didn't steal it. Leasing land for shed hunting. Bad sign for sure. Things will only get worse IMO.
Shed hunting around these parts - Northern Illinois - is out of control. Every single Forest Preserve or piece of "public" ground is overrun with guys looking for sheds. A few of those same folks like to cross fences where they don't belong and pound all of the private ground as well. It's to the point around here where you almost have to worry more about people poaching your sheds than your deer. All for an antler.
I'm in northwest Indiana and I'm seeing the same thing Justin. The high population of people and the smaller tracts of land are the main reason I see. I'm out there with these guys sometimes, but at the same time for me it's just about enjoying it and being outdoors. It's not a contest for me and I don't get all upset if I don't find anything. I can cover my private tracts of land relatively fast so this leads me to the larger tracts of public. It's funny though, when you run across other guys in the woods or in the parking lots most of them won't even talk to you or look your way just to say hi. Everything is a big secret to them. Like you said, all for an antler......
It's pretty bad in NY or at least in my area, guys are all over no matte public or private, I use to leave my hunting ground till last but now I have to worry about some putz poaching in and grabbing the ones I really want. I still hit public ground when I can I use the sheds for my rustic furniture hobby
Shed hunting has exploded here in far Northern Minnesota! It used to be you could find a parcel of land that hadnt ever been searched before and find a half dozen or so old ones along with the fresh ones. Now, when I get permission to shed hunt a piece of land that I'm SURE I will find sheds on, all I find are boot tracks and the hard to find sheds the idiot trespassers couldn't find cause they were in too big of a hurry cause they were afraid they were gonna get caught! Three years ago I was on our own 80 acre piece of hunting land and I heard a snowmobile coming down our trail through the woods so I hid on the edge of the trail and got a snowball ready and launched it at this idiots windshield... Boy I wish I'd had a vidcam running then! lol! Turned out to be our "thaught to be good neighbor" going to check our feeding site! He says, "I was just checking to see if you guys were out here" Keepin mind he had to open an unlocked gate to do so... Guess he really wanted to BS with someone. OK! I'm done ranting! Thanks for reading.
I have had all my luck on private land. I've looked on public land the last couple years but have yet to find anything. I've found areas with a lot of deer/buck sign, but haven't found any sheds. Not sure if people beat me to the spots or if the bucks winter elsewhere?