Since there is such a great response on the Call Your Opponent Out thread for the public hunting challenge, I started this thread. All you do is take the list, copy and paste into a response and add your name at the end. So far, heres what you have: Well earlier on I issued the challenge to KILL a 100 inch or better buck on public land. It will be interesting to see who can make it happen. I will have my work cut for me as I regularly only see 1-2 bucks over 100 inches each year where I hunt. Part of that is my fault as my set-ups have been sub-optimal, but that has been changing over the past 2-3 years. I would really like to see if we can average over 100 inches as a group. That would be a heck of a testament to the public land hunters on this website. Of course, shoot whatever makes you happy and be realistic. So far the participants are... virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak
So far the participants are... virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak Peakrut Ya Get Em?
So far the participants are... virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak fatsbucknut
Cool, I hope everyone hunts hard and has fun. Although some guys have their own personal challenges, I just envisioned this challenge as a team thing. I bet the odds are against us big time, but if we averaged 100 inches a buck over this entire group, that would be a HUGE accomplishment for the public land hunters on this website. Some guys might not kill anything, myself included, but others will raise the average by killing monsters. GOOD luck guys and I just know Justin will give us all free compound bows if we accomplish this challenge.
i'm going to be hard on the average, i've been deer hunting for almost 15 years i've shot 4 bucks and have never let 1 walk. getting a buck is a trophy for me, though i have really stepped up my game this year.
hahaha! And YES, mule deer will count. Just killing one of those things is a challenge within itself. MULE deer are counted. And btw, I am a realistic person. I would put us averaging over 100 inches as a group as a 1 to 9 chance...or a 10% of us accomplishing it. So lets break the odds!
virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak fatsbucknut JayB22 Bump
Does anyone have any trail cam pics of potential public land bucks? I'm going to be taking mine out to my muley land once I get more pics of that whitetail I'm chasing.
I dont really have a chance to hang cameras on the public land that I hunt. I really wish I could, but I live 5 1/2 hours away from this location.
I will be doing both public and private land so I will see what it does for me! Good luck all! I am in!
virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak fatsbucknut JayB22 UPbowhunter
virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak fatsbucknut JayB22 UPbowhunter Pick00l
virginiashadow gri22ly magicman54494 iamyourhuckleberry Dan Reese Christine dale9805 bz_711 DEERSLAYER Rybo dukemichaels shed dmen buckeye Sliverflicker indawoods Bow/zimmer gr8atta2d BowFreak fatsbucknut JayB22 UPbowhunter Pick00l Peakrut Ya Get 'Em? I put Peak and myself back in, you bumped us out.