Does anyone shoot a new PSE? I have heard nothing but good bout these bows. My girlfriend's brother just bought one and he loves it! I have been considering getting one, but thought would see what you all have to say about them.
My friend bought one last spring. Very fast bow but a bear to draw back. I went with him when he bought it, I thought there were better bows for the same or less money.
I just looked at one at a local bow shop and it seemed a bit heavy, although it did have a big sight on it. The dealer swore I'd lay down my Mathews for that bow. I didn't draw the bow but it did look nice.
I Really like mine. I sure dont think its a bear to draw! The 09 Cam is a bit harder then the 07-08 but you would have to shoot both for some time to even notice.
I heard they are coming out w/ a new Dream Season bow. Gonna shoot 356fps. A new cam also. I think I might wait for this one to come out. Gotta sell my Hoyt first though.
I checked out another site that did a comparison on the top 9 bows and I believe the pse x smoked everyone when it came to speed but several others where more guite and smoother.
most matthews grips are pretty small too!! you really are not gripping the bow remember. your hand never closes around it. Big grips that encourage that even when held properly can initiate bow torque, and no one wants that. thats why most high end bows you see have flat grips or side plates. and thats why these are so popular amongst Mathews nuts!