Hey Everyone, This is my first season bow hunting and I'm wanting to get me a new bow. I really like PSE for some reason and I'm looking at there new bowmadness. Does anyone own this bow and could give me a little reivew on how they like it. I'm going to have this bow for probably the next 5 years so realibility is a key factor for me. The speed seems to be pretty good on this bow also. Thanks, Austin
PM iamyourhuckleberry. Will shot a nice P&Y black bear with his this spring along with a musk ox and a whitetail this fall. I liked the feel of the riser and I don't recall the draw cycle as being overly harsh, but I wouldn't say it was smooth either... I don't think you'd be disappointed with it, especially with a shorter DL.
I like it... Its super lightweight / an advantage in some areas - some dont like too light of a bow but,,,, The draw was good / not too steep ..... Shot was nice / Good speed & good energy .... noise level & shock was low for a bare bow Bow felt good in my hands....... If it is comfortable to you - Then its what you should get ..... Dont worry about speed ,, Worry about how you can shoot it - If you struggle at the draw cycle or the shot feels gross --- Then,, move onto a different one......... IT MUST FEEL RIGHT
Thanks man for your opinion. I will probably go to a bow shop and shoot a couple to see which one feels right. Thanks, Austin
why does the pse madness and the mathews monster look so much alike?? im sure both are top notch just wondering.
Googled the Bowtech destroyer and that thing looks SICK. Waiting to for the price, guessing around 1,050.
889.00 is the price that my dealer told me i shoot the captain now and love it smooth and quiet still fast
The black ice was a smooth performer IMO too...... Although ,,,, I liked the polished & anodized riser version better - it felt NICE !!!!!!!! Because it was Chrome like in color - i doubt it would be a good choice for bowhunting...haha
I have the PSE super short (SS)and love it. it is faster than the bow madness, smaller and lighter. I looked at the bow madness then i saw the Omen and the SS. I shot the Omen and even though it shoot s 366fps it makes a nice doink when you shoot it. that is what sold me to the SS. The SS is quiet and the 2009 shoots 340 fps mine the 08 only shoots 330 but fast enough. It takes a little shooting to get used to but once you do you will never go back to anything bigger than 27 inch AtoA. I cant even hold my buddys Bear anymore because it feels so different